26 November 2020
What’s new
- A users last name is shown at the bottom of the mobile confirmation page, so you can verify easily against an ID card.
- Deep links to the ‘My Reservations’ page are now possible from email confirmations and/or websites.
- The planned absences menu item is only shown for users with a fixed desk.
- QR code based check in flow. You can now display a time based QR code on a monitor or iPad. Users check in using the QR code, so you can tackle no-shows.
Bug fixes
- In some cases the user could select a date far beyond the policy settings, only to get an error message when trying to reserve for that date. In this release the bug is fixed that the user can select a date beyond the policy settings.
- Security updates.
- Stability fixes, improved error handling
Robin2020-11-24 20:26:292020-11-26 18:39:00Okku 0.9.1
12 November 2020
What’s new
- Date and timeslots hints shown
- Dates and timeslots can only be selected for when the building is open
- New options for reservations without fixed timeslots
- New options for defining opening hours per room or building
- Email templates for cancellation and reservations by coordinators
- Small changes to wording in the reservation screen
Bug fixes
- Pinch and zoom in the mobile map is fixed
- Confirmation page no longer displays for cancelled reservations
- Errors that occur on a number of mobile browsers
- Security fixes.
Robin2020-11-12 23:36:512020-11-12 23:55:25Okku 0.9.0
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