
What’s new

  • New reservation policy to restrict the duration of a reservation for organisations that do not use timeslots.
  • Spanish and French language support

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where adding a userpool-restriction made rooms unreservable
  • Fixed a bug where the manage->fixed users->select user->planned absences screen did not show any data.
  • Fixed a bug where the order of floors was not saved.
  • Fixed a bug where the source of html email templates was overwritten by the wysiwyg editor.
  • Security updates.


What’s new

  • New email template screen for admins.
  • New email template for reservation reminders.
  • Users can now belong to multiple user-pools.
  • Admins can restrict floors to users that have specific department or group attributes.
  • User interface improvements to the floor management screen and ‘invite guests’ dialog.
  • Cancelling a reservation immediately updates other users map view, so users are always looking at current data.

Bug fixes

  • Update absences for fixed users option had disappeared -> fixed.
  • Performance improvements on the locations screen for larger organisations.
  • Security updates.